Development | 2020-08-07 Tips on making a SOAP service available via UDDI container How nice would it be to expose our own SOAP service in AppWorks...Here is the solution!
Development | 2020-07-31 Play with masterdata webservice in BPM loop Mastering webservice data in a BPM...Great stuff to see, valuable lessons to learn!
Development | 2020-07-24 Simple steps on importing entities from database table How easy can we make it...Generating entities from a database table, but with some pros and cons!
Release | 2020-07-17 Installation survival guide update 20.3 (and what's new!) An update post on the 16.6 installation from the main menu (This is AppWorks 20.3!)
Development | 2020-07-10 Make a web library definition work for you Handling your web resources (images, icons, CSS, etc.) the proper 'AppWorks' way of working
Development | 2020-07-03 Your best shot on monitoring lifecycles with CIM Exploring the 'Case Instance Manager' artifact that shows info we would not expect to be in there!
Development | 2020-06-26 See how easy a CSS theme is used We'll cover your own logo in the header and how your company color standard can be used.
Development | 2020-06-19 Playing with the mobile building blocks We'll take a closer look on the mobile building blocks deployed on the Gateway
Installation | 2020-06-12 Easy steps to make the AppWorks Gateway available The Gateway makes the mobile building blocks accessible!
Management | 2020-06-05 How to deploy an AppWorks package See how the deployment of a package (with self-signed certificate) works on a clean environment