Development | 2024-12-13 Urgent; The game-changing strategy to conquer a filtered list of task-assigned cases This is great input for the true case-only-workers.
Enterprise world | 2024-12-06 Update on OpenText World (Limited V-Pass edition 2024 Q4) Q4 is here again; We dive into a limited digital world (Las Vegas) event 2024!
Development | 2024-11-29 Foolproof the success; Implement worst-case scenarios in your BPM template In case %$&^#%%@! hits the fan...
Development | 2024-11-22 Revealed; The hidden custom call in xPath you've been missing out on (part 2) We did it before and we do it again...
Development | 2024-11-15 Uncover a valuable debug trick; Master the value of the 'rootEntityInstanceId' BPM debugging with fun logic...
Release | 2024-11-08 General Available; A new release for this last quarter of 2024; It's OPA (aka "AppWorks") 24.4 time...WHAT!? Time to figure out what is going on this time on the GA feature release...
Development | 2024-11-01 God-Given CSS tricks; Instantly style your custom tags like a pro Just a practical example for easy consumption!
Development | 2024-10-25 Behold the power of a specific URL parameter; Just an item on the backlog of "AppWorks Tips" The '?rurl' parameter explained.
Development | 2024-10-18 Discover the ultimate simplicity feature every case management solution requires My favorite cases!
Development | 2024-10-11 Secrets revealed; An extra addition on the "advanced expressions" post two years ago A missing in action, but valuable function exposed.