Hi there AppWorks fans,

Finally, you landed on the page where your unexplained abbreviation will get a meaning! The list will be extended with new abbreviation during our AppWorks journey as a lot of these can be found in all the documentation and software.

Keep the page as a look-up to get more information. You can search for an abbreviation in the top search.

And here it is…The list:

  • ACL = Access Control List

    Provides access to the functions of the application based on a role/group/user

  • AD = Active Directory
  • ADAM = Active Directory Application Mode
  • AL = Application Latency
  • API = Application Programming Interface

    API is the low-end communication from client to server. With this tool you can call specific function on 1 object. Like a SET or a CHECKOUT. Also, for API there is a reference guide available.

  • BAM = Business Activity Monitor

    The monitoring part of BPM where everything is logged so nice history graphs can be

  • BER = Business Event Response
  • BI = Business Intelligence.
  • BOF = Business Object Framework.

    The framework makes it easy to extend Documentum functionality!

  • BOM = Bus Object Manager
  • BOP = Business Operations Platform
  • BPA = Business Process Analysis

    The analytics part of BPM where it all can be monitored in real-time

  • BPEL = Business Process Execution Language

    It’s a standard (OASIS) executable language for triggering actions in business processes with web services. So, our AppWorks can import/export BPM information via web services…how nice!

  • BPM = Business Process Management

    A new name for workflow management and easier to connect to all kind of business rules

  • BPML = Business Process Modeling Language

    The generic language for saving BPM information in a document (a ‘tree based’ representation)

  • BPMN = Business Process Modeling Notation

    The notation standard for describing a process created (a ‘graph based’ representation)

  • BPMS = Business Process Management Suite
  • BRE = Business Rule Engine
  • BSF = Bus Service Framework | Bean Scripting Framework
  • CAF = Composite Application Framework

  • CAL = Composite Application Logging

    Helps debugging an application for more diagnose and get more information on Web services that are running.

  • CAP = Cordys Application Packages

    These are the ‘ZIP’ files created by the AppWorks platform when the solution is ready for shipping and deploying to another environment like for example ‘Test’.

  • CAPA = Corrective and Preventive Actions

  • CARS = Cordys Administration Repository Server

    The backend database where all the crafted data is saved

  • CBD = Contract Based Development

  • CCXML = Call Control XML

  • CFD = Contract First Development

  • CIM = Case Instance Monitoring

  • CLOB = Character Large OBject

  • CMC = Cordys Managment Console

    The tool for taking a deeper dive into the Cordys system for administrators

  • CMIS = Content Management Interoperability Services

    An open standard to connect different content management system in an ‘inter-operated’ way. It just an abstracted layer for controlling repositories via web protocols.

  • CMM = Case Management Model

  • CMMN = Case Management Model Notation

  • CMS = Content Management System

    A software solution where ECM is implemented

  • CoBOC = Collaborative Business Object Cache

  • CPC = Cordys Platform Component

  • CPF = Cordys Process Factory

  • CSP = Content Service Platform

  • CTF = Content Transfer Functions

    The new UCF client for handling content in a more seamless way from server to client

  • CUSP = Cordys User Start Page

    The old name for the new ‘Explorer’ since AppWorks 16.4

  • CWS = Collaborative WorkSpace

    A workspace where you can work with multiple user on the same solution. It’s our ‘Explorer’ for the AppWorks platform

  • DA = Documentum Administrator.

    The management client for Documentum where we can explore the repository an administration level

  • DDL = Data Definition Language
  • DLL = Dynamically Linked Library
  • DML = Data Manipulation Language
  • DMS = Data Management System
  • DMZ = DeMilitarized Zone
  • DN = Distinguished Name
  • DOM = Document Object Model
  • DSO = Data Source Object

    The database location object that is selected for a service container in the ‘System Resource Manager’ artifact. It makes a data-binding between AppWorks and the database storage.

  • DTEAP = Development Test Education Acceptance Production

    A ‘street’ of environments from where we can (automatically) deploy our solutions to a specific set of users

  • DQL = Documentum Query Language

    DQL is a subset of SQL with specific Documentum functionality. So, we can do all kind of query statement like a SELECT or on UPDATE. A DQL reference guide can be found in PDF format on the support side.

  • EAI = Enterprise Application Integration
  • ECM = Enterprise Content Management

    A centralized system where we can store data in a structured way and collaborate on it

  • EDO = Enterprise Data Object
  • EIS = Enterprise Information System

    AppWorks is an ‘Enterprise’ product/system as it can improve the enterprise business processes and can do all kind of integrations. It offers a high value service for large data that is used in large and complex organizations where information is key!

  • ERD = Entity Relation Diagram (equals to ERM)
  • ERM = Entity Relation Model
  • ESB = Enterprise Service Bus

    All the modules that are needed to send information from one service (Like is a SOA) to another and make sure they are also received in a secure way.

  • FIFO = First-In, First-Out

    The same principle as we know from our early super-marked experiences when we were young. Makes it sure the old stuff is in front of the new stuff…

  • GUI = Graphical User Interface

    The front-end for our beloved end-users where the can interact with our solution

  • GMP = Global Memory Pool
  • HRMS = Human Resource Management System
  • IAM = Identity Access Management
  • IDE = Integrated Development Environment

    A tool where we can write our custom code, but also integrate directly into an environment. IntelliJ is an example of a great tool you can use.

  • IDP = Identity Provider
  • IDS = Intrusion Detection System
  • ISV = Independent Software Vendor

    Is a kind of ‘shared’ space on the platform that serves as framework others to run/develop aplications

  • ISVP = ISV Package

    The package that gets deployed in this shared space

  • JPDA = Java Platform Debugging Architecture
  • JMS = Java Message Service
  • JMX = Java Management eXtensions
  • JNDI = Java Naming Directory Interface
  • JWT = JSON Web Token
  • KPI = Key Performance Indicator
  • LDAP = Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

    A protocol for talking to directory services like Active Directory or OTDS

  • M-BPM = Metastorm-BPM

    Metastorm is a product that features specific BPM functionality. It automates people-intensive administrative and management processes. Handles large volumes of processes, users and transactions.

  • MCF = Message Code Framework
  • MDM = Master Data Management
  • MOM = Message Oriented Middleware
  • MPC = MicroProfile Configuration

MicroProfile is just a “standard” for optimizing enterprise Java for a microservices architecture. OpenText uses an externalized configuration for the Cloud Edition of the software via environment variables and YAML files.

  • MSMQ = MicroSoft Message Queuing
  • NL = Network Latency
  • NOM = Native Object Model
  • NTLM = New Technology LAN Manager
  • OCC = OpenText Capture Center
  • OMG = Object Management Group

    More information here

  • OCSP = Online Certificate Status Protocol
  • OTAG = OpenText Appworks Gateway

    The administrative console for the AppWorks Gateway for the mobile applications created with the ‘mobile app’ building blocks on an entity

  • OTCS = OpenText Content Server
  • OTDS = OpenText Directory Services

    The spider in the web for the authentication handling for the OpenText services

  • OTP = One Time Password
  • PAM = Pluggable Authentication Modules
  • PCL = Process Component Library

    This brings us all back to the basics and makes modules reusable. For our AppWorks platform there are reusable solutions available like for example ‘Service Center’ of ‘People Center’, but also reusable connectors are available to connect to other systems like for example ‘Documentum’

  • PE = Process Engine
  • PKCS = Public-Key Cryptography Standards (RSA)
  • PKI = Public Key Infrastructure
  • PMO = Process Monitoring Object
  • PSL = Published Source Layer
  • PIM = Process Instance Manager

    An artifact in the AppWorks Explorer where we can monitor any BPM flow in more detail.

  • RAD = Rapid Application Development
  • RAM = Random Access Memory
  • RBAC = Role Based Access Control
  • RCS = Runtime and Core Services
  • RMI = Remote Method Invocation
  • RPA = Robotic Process Automation
  • RTL = Right-To-Left

    A language that is read from right to left. Like Arabic.

  • SAML = Security Assertion Markup Language
  • SCM = Source Control Management

    A system that can keep track and keeps control on the changes done in the solution. Our AppWorks platform saves all our crafted information in a repository, validates it and controls it. Next to that we can add a source control system to make it easy to revert and combine changes with multiple developers.

  • SCIM = System for Cross-domain Identity Management
  • SCXML = State Chart XML
  • SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol
  • SOA = Service Oriented Architecture

    Expose functionality in services so they are loosely coupled and independent

  • SPS = Software Protection Service
  • SQL = Structured Query Language
  • SSU = State SynchUp
  • SVN = SubVersioN

    A version control system (SVN is integrated in AppWorks by default)

  • TOTP = Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm

    Implementation of OTDS Two-Factor Authentication (RFC6238)

  • UBR = UDDI Business Registry
  • UCF = Unified Content Facilities

    The ‘older’ client for handling content in a more seamless way from server to client

  • UDDI = Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration

    A register for exposing services to others in a standardized way

  • UFO = Unified Feedback Objects
  • UI = User Interface

    The front-end for our users, but also for us developers. Or low-coders if you like.

  • URL = Uniform Resource Locator
  • USN = Update Sequence Number
  • UX = User eXperience

    The front-end for our beloved end-users where the can interact with our solution (see also GUI/UI)

  • VLV = Virtual List View
  • WCP = Web Collaboration Platform
  • WfMC = Workflow Management Coalition
  • WSDL = Web Services Description Language
  • WS-I = Web Services Interoperability
  • XA = eXtended Architecture
  • XDS = XML Data Store

    The XML data location as database of our beloved AppWorks platform. All data is saved in this store as XML document

  • xECM = Extended Enterprise Content Management

    Provides a business context to unstructured data stored in content repositories or DMS. Enables the management of unstructured content in the context of processes, transactions, and business objects

  • XPDL = XML Process Definition Language

    Standardized format to interchange business process definitions between different workflow products (SML schema for workflows!) More information here

  • XQY = XML QuerY
  • XSD = XML Schema Definition

    A descriptive schema on how an XML file should look like. What is required in the XML file and how tags should be defined

And this gives the overview for the AppWorks abbreviation list and we’ll probably never give it a ‘DONE’ as new abbreviation will be introduced. Have a nice day and see U on another post about AppWorks.