Development | 2021-05-14 2-year anniversary! Yes, we've made it!...2 years of grinding on AppWorks blog posts. Let's recap some results!
Management | 2021-05-07 Another LDAP browser tool for CARS (JXplorer) Reading a manual will bring new tools to the surface...let's see what value it provides.
Release | 2021-04-30 Installation survival guide update 21.2 (and what's new!) A new year in 'Growth' with a new version of the platform...This is AppWorks 21.2!
Development | 2021-04-23 Call the "LinkDocument" webservice (feature since 20.3) A new service in all about it!
Enterprise world | 2021-04-16 Update on OpenText Enterprise World Europe (Digital 2021 Q2) A free digital event during the ongoing pandemic...Can we expect all the greatness again? (Ohw mama! ...
Management | 2021-04-09 Is 'Apache Directory Studio' a replacement for CMC? What value can 'Apache Directory Studio' bring to our platform...let's find out!
Development | 2021-04-02 The magic of crafting a custom document store This post will demonstrate the build of a custom document store connector with all the pitfalls!
Development | 2021-03-26 Your golden ticket to A | M | I tasks in a lifecycle Let's dive in the 'automatic', 'manual' and 'intermediate' tasks on a lifecycle...
Management | 2021-03-19 The search for content on the server Ever wondered where the platform saves the uploaded content from our beloved end-users?
Management | 2021-03-12 Do a proper removal of an organization We'll do a dive on the "organizationremovaltool"!