Development | 2022-12-09 The "new way" of EIS connector usage This post will blow your mind...It's greater than I thought!
Development | 2022-12-02 Building a custom notification icon in runtime Every project asks for it; Time for a small hack on how to fulfill this requirement.
Development | 2022-11-25 Update multiple items in a grid (aka bulk-update) A nice low-code example on this "How to" article for updating selected grid items.
Development | 2022-11-18 The mystery behind 'IsTemporaryCopy' and 'ItemStatus' Two internal 'Identity' properties, but what can we do with them?
Release | 2022-11-11 The general availability (GA) release of 2022; here is AppWorks 22.4 The first month of Q4 already passed by...Let's share what's new!
Development | 2022-11-04 Show form sections based on a selection dropdown Back to some good low-code stuff...A principle to show information in the correct context on a form.
Management | 2022-10-28 Clearing up the magic of the 'cordys_log' database table Customers keep asking the same question! How can we clean it, but how about avoiding an overflow!?
Management | 2022-10-21 Cleaning up runtime mess '#RTFM' Figuring out our own cleaning methods, we ran into an interesting section of the manual.
Enterprise world | 2022-10-14 OpenText cloud overview (incl. AWP 22.4 update) A continuous update on Enterprise World last week (a grip on "Be digital" content).
Enterprise world | 2022-10-07 Update on OpenText World (Limited V-Pass edition 2022 Q4) Q4 is here; We dive into a limited digital world (Las Vegas) event...