/ Installation  

Make package deployment work for you

Hi there “Process Automation” fans,

Welcome to a new installment of “Process Automation” tips.

This guide will help you to deploy the packages from a finished “Process Automation” installation on our RHEL VM image. “Process Automation” should be fully installed before you can start with this final post on the series of ‘“Process Automation” installation in 10 great steps’.

This is the list of ingredients we are going to use:

  • The already installed ‘Oracle Virtual Box’ software from the previous post
  • Our supported RHEL VM image from the previous posts

Let get right into it…

Now the time is there to start the final step for deploying the packages that were ‘set ready’ during the installation. So, start your VM if it’s not already started and go to this URL from your local machine.

Point the nodeName parameter the correct hostname. This URL can also be found in the log file: cat /tmp/cordys_custom_log.log


When you get a ‘user validation failed’ pop-up, you can log in with the ‘sysadmin’ account with the sample ‘admin’ password.


After some time and a coffee/beer…


Select the ‘Cordys System’ database and click ‘Next >’


Mark the ‘Revert on Failure’ option and click ‘Deploy’


Now it’s time for some waiting…Can take up to 30 min.!


Hit that earned ‘Finish’ button to finalize all the pain and sweat. 😅

After all this hard work the time is finally there to start using “Process Automation” from this URL on your local machine:


The credentials are ‘sysadmin’ as username and ‘admin’ as password.

You see it correctly…The login screen shows you the latest and greatest version!

This again gives us a big ‘DONE’ we can be proud off. This is the last post on the series for ‘“Process Automation” installation in 10 great steps’. Let me know what you think of this post in the comments. As always ‘have a good one for today’ and see you on the next installment of “Process Automation” Tips.