Hi there AppWorks fans,

Welcome to the landing page of the valuable booklet:

"10 steps to learn practical AppWorks "prototyping" (by example)"

This particular booklet is all about quickly prototyping a sample application on our beloved AppWorks platform; powered by OpenText. The booklet will provide you the first steps on starting a new solution, teaches you about the entity modelling principles and gives you a naming convention based on best practices in the field. Because of the practical approach, you’ll find yourself lots of samples to try out on your own environment.
The booklet contains 10 steps; this makes it easy to manage the content on a weekly basis. This is a choice made based on the weekly posts, currently exposed on our favorite blog. So, this booklet is an addition for you to continue the grind on the weekly consumption of all the best information on AppWorks tips.


  1. Creating an upfront plan where we think first, and act later. Time to convert user-requirements to entity principles
  2. Create a robust Entity Relation Diagram with property definitions, UI sketches, and image boards
  3. A guide on naming / coding conventions provides you an overview on best field-practices on naming and readability in a workspace
  4. Your first workspace initialization will be created in this step and your first entity will come alive
  5. Building relationships shows the first steps to relate two entities with each other and filter them out on a result list panel
  6. Build business logic is our step where we define ‘Rules‘ to meet the user-requirements
  7. Lifecycle craftsmanship brings you to a first introduction on lifecycle initialization and task generation to the user inbox
  8. The power of ‘building blocks‘ shows how we implement low-hanging fruit quickly
  9. First steps on a security layer where we make our solution available for a ‘normal‘ end-user account
  10. Tips on test data generation provides guidance on how to generate test data with a BPM implementation


10 steps to learn practical AppWorks “prototyping” (by example)

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Brand new low-coders
Learning concepts of the AppWorks platform

Imagine you found your way to the AppWorks low-code platform; you're thinking 'This is my new future!' and your goal to be a professional low-code developer on the AppWorks platform. This booklet will help you use the platform "concepts" in a low-code team collaboration. You learn to by-pass common traps; it brings a next step to continue the grind and being the best in the field with lots of tips & tricks.
Entry-level low-coders
Get yourself more in-depth knowledge

You're teaching and learning yourself to apply for that one of a kind AppWorks low-code job. This booklet will bring guidance on a future ready solution by proving structure. Escape the trap of not using a naming convention and expand your knowledge by experiences directly from the war-field.
Mid-career low-coders
Aiming to be the best in the field

Even if you have experience, you should never stop learning experiences from others. This booklet will bring that next step in knowledge to distinct yourself from other low-coders. Structure will be brought to you which will always expand any technical experience. You can spread the information within the team and bring the collaboration to a whole new level.
Senior low-coders
I'm the best fish in the bowl...Now what?

As a 'Senior', you have your own low-code naming convention. This booklet will open your eyes and bring a standardized low-code naming convention usable for any solution. Being the 'specialist' doesn't provide any free card for not learning from others. People start to look up to you; you're the one required to communicate loudly to standardize low-code principles and teach what you've learned to far.



The achievement I’m most proud of did not start with a plan, but is just who I am.

I started my career just after finishing my HBO-Bachelor education and still love my current job - working with ECM, giving workshops, learning new technologies and techniques, all with amazingly talented people around me! Learning and explaining is ‘my thing’.

Then new projects started with my name on the list.

The first opportunity was participating in a project from scratch with a new product called D2 - a new approach in the ECM arena. ‘Easy configuration for complex needs’. The bright future for low-code configuration has started.

I participated in more ECM projects and people started saying I’m the D2 expert.

With that knowledge I also started to invest more time in xCP and started to give the best workshops on both products and Documentum in general. This is also where I discovered ‘the real me’ who is great at giving simple explanations on complex cases.

After 15 years of experience in the field, a new product crossed my path with the name of ‘OpenText AppWorks’. The lion inside me became a big proponent and am now giving all my effort on becoming again that ‘expert’ on the product by sharing all my knowledge on my blog appworks-tips.com

If I can do it, anyone can.

During my career I promote people to share knowledge and embrace the communities that are available for help. I like being part of a discussion to bring in my positive feedback and can give the right note at the right time to get everyone focused again.

All the expertise made me more aware of delivering robust packages that are tested and documented. I also started thinking in reusability and design patterns. This triggered me on starting a GitHub account to set my main goals on improving my skills.

Specialties: AppWorks specialist | Documentum expert | D2 proponent | xCP proficient | Java enthusiast | Simplified trainer

More information about me can also be found on my LinkedIn profile; Always feel free to drop me a mail at: contact@appworks-tips.com or contact me with any question or valuable feedback (which is always appreciated).


10 steps to learn practical AppWorks “prototyping” (by example)

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Flatten the learning curve once again

Antal Bos leads us through the unique ecosystem of the AppWorks platform and runtime. We start at the planning stages and develop our way to a functional application that is a typical task lifecycle workflow for a production environment, complete with multi-level security and advice in regard to testing.

Don’t just read about it...build it yourself. Antal provides detailed instructions, screenshots (so we know when we’re looking at the correct page), explanations of terms, and demonstrations of tools and building blocks. The end product is a template that can be used for multiple applications, and it’s something to show for your efforts.

- George R Griffin
Sr. Software Engineer - Federal Aviation Administration | United States


10 steps to learn practical AppWorks “prototyping” (by example)

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