/ Development  

Make workspaces and project structure work for you

Hi there AppWorks fans,

Welcome to a new installment of AppWorks tips.

This post we will start using our ‘Developer’ role that is assigned to the ‘awdev’ user. The first thing you always need to do before start developing is creating structure in your project. In AppWorks we work in a workspace and in there we can create projects. We only need one workspace and 1 project, but a good foundation is the best you can have!

Let get right into it…

Start you AppWorks instance and open the URL. The one that is ending for example with /home/appworks_tips/. You get that nicely crafted login screen where you can sign in with the ‘awdev’ user.

Password is ‘admin’ as we use in al the examples

As a developer we will use only one artifact that is the most important. It is called ‘Workspace Documents’ and this is where all the low-code magic is crafted. You can search for it or just open it by clicking the artifact name.


You will get a screen like this where you can create a new workspace.


Click that green plus-sign and fill-in the for with this information

  • Name: AW_DEV_WS
  • Description: AppWorks Development Workspace
  • Source Control: SVN for team development

Do not use spaces in the name as it might give problems in the future. Non-space naming is always the save option!

For this last option you need to have SVN up and running. Something we did in our previous posts.

Credentials: awdev001 (admin)

Also make sure the repository is empty as AppWorks will check if a project is already available for checkout on this location!


Click that ‘Next >’ button and provide the correct information


Test the connection and make you get a valid response like this. Then you can hit that ‘Next >’ button.


Now it’s time to create our project. Fill in the form with this example data:

  • Project Name: AppWorksProject
  • Package Owner: AppWorksTips
  • Product Name: AppWorks

Do not use spaces here also as it might give problems in the future. Non-space naming is always a save option!


Click ‘Next >’ to continue the wizard.


Check out the overview of your created workspace and project and hit that ‘Create’ button like a bro to get some magic triggered…


When done you can click that ‘Close’ button.

After this the Workspace will directly open and should look something like this:


Close this panel as we want to show some other things first before we start low-coding…

Go to the ‘Workspace Documents’ artifact…wait…don’t click it…just hover it and you will get an arrow down. Now copy it to the ‘Shortcut bar’ and you see it appear on the left side bar as shortcut (right-click it from there to remove it from the bar again….fancy)!


Open ‘Workspace Documents’ again, select your just created workspace, mark the option ‘Remember my choice’ and hit the ‘Open workspace’ button. You can always ‘un-remember’ that option by going to the option over here:


We will discover all the buttons on the top in other posts. For now, we just open the ‘AppWorks Project’ folder and you see…indeed…nothing yet!

Get some structure in the project folder now.

Right-click the ‘AppWorks Project’ folder. Create a new folder and give it the name ‘entities’


Now create other folder and create a structure like this.


As the low-code application development will continuous to evolve we’ll get more folders in the future. It depends a bit on what kind of ‘documents’ you will create in the project. Good practice is to create a folder per document type, but ‘document types’ will be covered in another post where we will start creating documents of type ‘entities’….wow!

That is again a nice ‘DONE’ for this post. Let me know what you think in the comments. Also ask your questions if you have any so we can help you on your way. CU in the next time on a new installment of AppWorks Tips. Don’t forget to subscribe to the mailing list so we can ping you when a new post is out in the world on this site.